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MEDICA TechnicalSupport


  • EasyLyte Spare Part

    Dear Hanna,

    I am looking for the part number of the attached motor

    best regards

    durch Tobias Pfeifer - 07:11 - 6 Dez. 2019
  • ES ph noise 1214031005

    Dear Hanna,

    basically the problem persists, the head of the lab told me she is performing bloodgas analysis and sample handling for the last 29 years without issure.
    They are using 100 ul with 100 I.U./mL Heparin capillaries.
    The patient's blood is drawn directly next to the instrument

    Mainly they the problem is that the first try is a failure and consistently the second try is good

    attached are some printouts

    best regards

    durch Tobias Pfeifer - 04:38 - 2 Dez. 2019
  • ES ph noise 1214031005

    Dear Hanna,

    basically the problem persists, the head of the lab told me she is performing bloodgas analysis and sample handling for the last 29 years without issure.
    They are using 100 ul with 100 I.U./mL Heparin capillaries.
    The patient's blood is drawn directly next to the instrument

    Mainly they the problem is that the first try is a failure and consistently the second try is good

    attached are some printouts

    best regards

    durch Tobias Pfeifer - 11:49 - 27 Nov. 2019
  • ES ph noise 1214031005

    Dear Hanna,

    I have this ES that keeps acting up - 

    "On 21.10.19 we exchanged the electrodes for pH and the reference electrode. On 22. and 23.10. we had no patients to measure. On 24.10. I then drove the interlaboratory test BGA and received the error message pH RAUSCHEN for the first time. Then I had to get new samples for the ring test. I had also informed you that even with your loaner the error pH RAUSCHEN =noise occurs. Since we used the same electrodes for the loaner and for our device, it can be concluded that the cause of the fault is less in the device than in the electrodes.


    I strongly suspect that one of the two electrodes (pH or reference electrode) is out of order.


    Currently the error message pH is RAUSCHEN = noise during the 1st measurement of a patient; if we then calibrate and take blood again, we get results. It is questionable for me how long we can help ourselves so; besides, this procedure is unacceptable."

    should we as our customer wants exchange the electrodes?

    i one of your first emails in regards to this you indicated it might be sample handling by the user?

    see attached measurements.

    best regards from MEDICA trade fair Düsseldorf 


    durch Tobias Pfeifer - 02:31 - 20 Nov. 2019
  • Urine 2111

    Dear Hanna,

    I have this strange question from one of our EL customers - the technician/administration is looking for:
    -       Real-time Data

    -       Stability Data

    -       In-Use Stability

    -       Transport Stability

    do you have any official data for that?

    best regards

    durch Tobias Pfeifer - 07:17 - 15 Nov. 2019
  • EasyStat Failure Report FAMECO claim # 216

    Dear Hanna,

    There were some pictures of the Electrode in the PDF attached to the first email, did it come through?

    Best regards 

    durch Tobias Pfeifer - 11:06 - 11 Nov. 2019
  • EasyStat Failure Report FAMECO claim # 216

    Dear Hanna,
    please find attached EasyStat Failure Report FAMECO claim # 216, this one is special in two ways:
    1. it is a production error
    2. it took us ages of back on forth with the customer to find it

    The Dr kept insisting that the electrode wouldn't fit and asked if we shipped the wrong item - after confirming the product number I insisted it was correct - back and forth back and forth finally he has enough of it and sends it back to us - and to our surprise - yes it does not fit!

    We are looking for warranty replacement and for compensation of all that trouble in a ball park dimension of 10 packs.

    best regards

    durch Tobias Pfeifer - 10:05 - 10 Nov. 2019
  • ES noise & drift

    Dear Hanna,

    a clinic has just installed a new reagentmodule 19071029 - they have now faced a variety of problems with pH noise and pO2 drift.
    See attached printouts. Should we troubleshoot the module, or the device?
    best regards

    durch Tobias Pfeifer - 06:20 - 5 Nov. 2019
  • ES Keyboard

    Dear Hanna, 
    The keyboard that we replaced on a ES just à few weeks ago was today reported completely unresponsive after being in operation with no issue. 
    Unfortunately this is already a very disgruntled customer, what can we do about it - asking technically but alsp politically... 
    Best regards

    durch Tobias Pfeifer - 04:24 - 4 Nov. 2019
  • EBG BD

    Dear Hanna, 
    I have yet to wait for the customer to install and operate the analyzer, I hope he has positive feedback for me. 
    Best regards

    durch Tobias Pfeifer - 04:22 - 4 Nov. 2019
  • EBG BD


    through experimenting I found the answer - BD maximum value is 200

    best regards

    durch Tobias Pfeifer - 04:44 - 2 Nov. 2019
  • EBG Bubble Detector Replacement

    Dear Hanna,
    I have replaced and renewed the TOP BD, should I looking at these printouts also replace the Lower one?

    Is TOP = BD1
    Bottom = BD2

    What values would be ideal?

    Best regards 

    durch Tobias Pfeifer - 11:32 - 31 Okt. 2019
  • EBG #215

    Dear Hanna,
    here are the pictures of the other pack
    best regards

    durch Tobias Pfeifer - 01:43 - 30 Okt. 2019
  • EBG Packs

    Dear Hanna,

    Would you like me to ask the customer to open ALL packs or can I ask him to open the other Lot Numbers one?

    It maybe would be a little bit nicer if I don't busy him a whole day in his workshop

    Best regards 

    durch Tobias Pfeifer - 12:52 - 29 Okt. 2019
  • EBG Packs

    Dear Hanna,
    here are pictures from one opened pack.
    214 23.10.19 Tobias Pfeifer EasyBloodGas Reagent Module 6101 1909177 23- Oktober-2019 3 Reagent modules arrived leaking at customer, no visible damage on outside package/shipping crate.
    215 22.10.19 Tobias Pfeifer EasyBloodGas Reagent Module 6101 19031068 23- Oktober-2019 4 Reagent modules arrived leaking at customer, no visible damage on outside package/shipping crate.

    best regards

    durch Tobias Pfeifer - 11:17 - 29 Okt. 2019
  • EasyLyte Expand Transport Damage

    Dear Hanna,

    one of our customer has transported their EasyLyte Expand in a car without any packaging, it feel in a curve - most prominently the needle was bent, the sample detector is damaged but also after replacing the sample detector the test still shows no less than 255 - we suspect internal damage.
    Is there more testing we can do to evaluate what to fix?
    Could you suggest which parts to order?

    best regards

    durch Tobias Pfeifer - 10:40 - 28 Okt. 2019
  • -2- Failure reports

    Dear Hanna,
    please find attached reports for leaking packs.
    best regards

    durch Tobias Pfeifer - 05:48 - 28 Okt. 2019
  • Capillaries

    Dear Hanna,
    What's the best capillary size for our different analyzers?

    Best regards 

    durch Tobias Pfeifer - 04:18 - 24 Okt. 2019
  • EasyStat Na Hct

    Dear Hanna,
    Here are the printouts I got from the Na Hct problem. 
    Best regards 

    durch Tobias Pfeifer - 04:13 - 22 Okt. 2019
  • ES Na & Hct

    Dear Hanna,

    I have a doctor who claims that whenever the Na is not working also the Hct is not working.
    He needs Hct but doesnt need Na at all.
    Is there a connection?
    best regards

    durch Tobias Pfeifer - 07:52 - 16 Okt. 2019